How to Upload/Install a Blogger Template


 This post is all about how to upload a custom blogger template into a Blogger/Blogspot blog. In the previous post I have shared Howto create a free blog on blogger. And now if you have created your blog and want a beautiful look for your blog, you may need to install a custom or unofficial blogger template into your blog. Here is a step by step guide given below on how to upload a Blogger template.
How to Upload Blogger Template:
Step 1. Login to Your Blogger Account.
Step 2. Select your blog and click on “Template” on the right Drop Down Menu.
Step 3. Now Click on “Backup/Restore” Button on Top Right side.
Step 4. A Popup window will appear, Now click on “Choose File” button.
Step 5. Select your template that must be XML file and click Open. (Check the picture below)
Step 6. Now click on “Upload” button.
Cheers! You have done. Go to your Layout section to rearrange your widgets as your need. Now Click on “View Blog” to see the changes. Your blog would have a new look.


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